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Surface Grinders


Check to see if you have any lettuce between your teeth after your lunch BLT in the finished mirror surface of your part with KBC Tools & Machinery's surface grinders from Kent USA for secondary finish applications. Choose from manual surface grinders with up to 2 HP, table size up to 6x18", a 8x3/4x1-1/4" wheel, and a permanent magnetic chuck, or go with an automatic surface grinder with up to 10 HP, table size up to 24x60", wheel up to 16x2x5", 3-axis auto feed for quick positioning, heavy bases for rigidity and to eliminate vibration, rapid spindle movement, and permanent magnetic chucks or variable electromagnetic chucks. Cylindrical grinders are also available with a maximum grinding diameter of 20", infinitely variable speeds, and 0 - 200 IPM - perfect for finish surface grinding columns and shafts. Parts, accessories, and grinding wheels are in stock for all your surface grinding applications. KBC - All Surface Grinders...All The Time